By Daniel McCarthy. Conservatism is a philosophy of love, which perhaps explains why it is so little understood in our time. Half a millennium ago Niccolò Machiavelli weighed whether it is better to be loved or feared. Those emotions—unlike their counterparts hate and...
George Kennan for Our Time By Lee Congdon. Northern Illinois University Press, 2022. Paperback, 232 pages, $19.95. Reviewed by Francis P. Sempa. The United States in the early 21st century, Lee Congdon writes, suffers from a wayward internationalist foreign policy...
Meditations on Death: Preparing for Eternity By Thomas à Kempis. Translated by Fr. Robert Nixon, OSB. TAN Books, 2023. Hardcover, 88 pages, $19.95. Reviewed by Thomas Banks. To scratch an itch of curiosity, I recently entered the word “Death” into the Amazon search...
Rome and America: Communities of Strangers, Spectacles of Belonging By Dean Hammer. Cambridge University Press, 2023. Hardcover, 262 pages, $110.00. Reviewed by Jesse Russell. Since its inception, America has been many things, but, in a certain sense, it has always...
Retrieving Freedom: The Christian Appropriation of Classical Tradition By D. C. Schindler. University of Notre Dame Press, 2022. Hardcover, 550 Pages, $60. Reviewed by Michael Lucchese. Around 2014, pundits and Washington, D.C.-based journalists announced the arrival...
So easy to forget that the best way to educate yourself is to read great works of literature and philosophy, then talk about them. Bring back the salon!