Is There a Linear Path to America’s Next Civil War?

Is There a Linear Path to America’s Next Civil War?

The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties By Christopher Caldwell. Simon & Schuster, 2020. Hardcover, 352 pages, $28. Reviewed by Anthony Barr Christopher Caldwell’s latest book, The Age of Entitlement, is best summarized by a Bill Clinton quote that...
The Egotistic Mind

The Egotistic Mind

The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense by Gad Saad. Regnery, 2021. Hardcover, 235 pages, $29. Reviewed by Auguste Meyrat Considering the great damage done by leftist ideas throughout history and the great damage they do today, it’s a great...
Class Power and Cultural Blindspots

Class Power and Cultural Blindspots

The New Class War: Saving Democracy from the Managerial Elite by Michael Lind. Penguin, 2020. Hardcover, 193 pages, $25. Reviewed by Bruce P. Frohnen The rise of populist movements throughout the West and the intense, angry response to them from technocratic elites...
The Risks of Levity

The Risks of Levity

Milan Kundera, Ambiguous Prophet Trevor C. Merrill “Those no longer able to see reality with their own eyes are equally unable to hear correctly,” writes Josef Pieper. “It is specifically the man thus impoverished who inevitably falls prey to the demagogical spells of...

Beyond Cancel Culture

O’Connor, Updike, and the Literature of Self-Recrimination Michial Farmer The recent intra-literati arguments about Flannery O’Connor’s racism are, if nothing else, hard proof that ideas have consequences. Not long after the police killing of George Floyd ignited...