What Are the Humanities For? By Willem B. Drees. Cambridge University Press, 2021. Hardcover, 202 pages, $34.99. Reviewed by Jason Jewell. Why do we need another book about the value of a humanities education? The short answer is that in an age of relentless focus...
The Tragedy of American Compassion By Marvin Olasky. Regnery Gateway, 2022. Paperback, 300 pages, $18.99. Reviewed by Frank Filocomo. What does it mean to be compassionate to the needy? More precisely: what does it mean to be compassionate, and who are the needy?...
The Political Science of the Middle East: Theory and Research Since the Arab Uprisings Edited by Marc Lynch, Jillian Schwedler, and Sean Yom. Oxford University Press, 2022. Paperback, $29.95, 320 Pages. Reviewed by Samuel Sweeney. The last ten years have upended the...
Global Objects: Toward a Connected Art History By Edward S. Cooke, Jr. Princeton University Press, 2022. Paperback, 336 pages, $35. Reviewed by Jesse Russell. The internet has enabled not only people but various fads to enjoy a second life. “Graphic Tees”...
The Fortunes of Permanence: Culture and Anarchy in an Age of Amnesia By Roger Kimball. St. Augustine’s Press, 2022. Paperback, 360 pages, $26.00. Reviewed by David Hein. Not unlike a prime Bordeaux, this collection of essays, originally published in hardcover in...
The Centrality of Civic Virtue---@DavidHein9 on "The Roots of Liberalism: What Faithful Knights and the Little Match Girl Taught Us about Civic Virtue" by F. H. Buckley. @GMULawLibrary