Blade Runner Directed by Ridley Scott. Warner Bros. 1982. Reviewed by Titus Techera The year 2019 is the setting of the movie Blade Runner, and the year of the death of Rutger Hauer, who played its antagonist Roy Batty, offering the noblest vision of mortality in...
Toy Story 4 Directed by Josh Cooley. Pixar Animation Studios, 2019. Reviewed by Titus Techera After a fairly disappointing season, the movies got back to the magic that audiences still crave, with what looks to be the family movie of the year. Toy Story 4 is the end...
Miyazakiworld: A Life in Art by Susan Napier. Yale University Press, 2018. Hardcover, 344 pages, $30. Reviewed by Titus Techera We owe Susan Napier and the Yale University Press a debt of gratitude for her efforts in Miyazakiworld, a book that shows everything...
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs Directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. Annapurna Pictures, 2018. Reviewed by Titus Techera The most interesting thing on Netflix now is the new Coen Brothers movie, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, a Western in six episodes, starting with...
A Quiet PLace Directed by John Krasinski. Paramount, 2018. Run time: 90 minutes. Reviewed by Ryan Shinkel Apocalypses are one way to get religious at the box office. End times unveil moral character as wheat from chaff: the hopeful sacrifice for a better future while...