Liberal Education in the Progressive University

Liberal Education in the Progressive University

What Are the Humanities For?  By Willem B. Drees. Cambridge University Press, 2021.  Hardcover, 202 pages, $34.99. Reviewed by Jason Jewell. Why do we need another book about the value of a humanities education? The short answer is that in an age of relentless focus...
What the Humanities Battle Is For

What the Humanities Battle Is For

The Battle of the Classics: How a Nineteenth-Century Debate Can Save the Humanities Today by Eric Adler. Oxford University Press, 2020. Hardcover, 272 pages, $35. Reviewed by Jessica Hooten Wilson We’ve become accustomed to the “battle” language with regards to the...
What the Humanities Battle Is For

Order Beyond Adler

The Battle of the Classics: How a Nineteenth-Century Debate Can Save the Humanities Today by Eric Adler. Oxford University Press, 2020. Hardcover, 272 pages, $35. Reviewed by Pavlos Papadopoulos Eric Adler’s Battle of the Classics (2020) and Classics, the Culture...
What the Humanities Battle Is For

Content Is Key

The Battle of the Classics: How a Nineteenth-Century Debate Can Save the Humanities Today by Eric Adler. Oxford University Press, 2020. Hardcover, 272 pages, $35. Reviewed by Joshua Kinlaw It is salutary to be reminded that the history of Western education has always...
The Human Story Books

The Human Story Books

By Dr. Anika T. Prather In These Pages There is so much to glean from the ancient folk There is so much to learn from those who spoke centuries ago It is different for every person How the books connect to the soul But they will if you let them And it may take time to...