E. J. Hutchinson Probably, when one hears the phrase “the classical tradition,” the first name that comes to mind is not “Iggy Pop.” And yet Iggy Pop, like Bob Dylan, has an avid interest in Roman antiquity and its genetic connection to contemporary life. This...
Eric Hutchinson Charles Portis, Norwood Arkansas’s Charles Portis, most famous as the author of True Grit, died on February 17. Also in February, COVID-19 was spreading around the world. Of these two facts, the first calls for memorialization. The second calls for...
Caddyshack: The Making of a Hollywood Cinderella Story by Chris Nashawaty. Flatiron books, 2018. Hardcover, 304 pages, $27. Reviewed by Mark Judge When I was in college in the 1980s in I worked at a movie theater in Maryland, the Bethesda Cinema ’n’ Drafthouse. The...
The Great Intellectual Scandal: Irving Babbitt and His Traditionalist Critics--Claes Ryn (@CatholicUniv)