The Graces of Death and Nature

The Graces of Death and Nature

Three Roads Back: How Emerson, Thoreau, and William James Responded to the Greatest Losses of Their Lives By Robert D. Richardson. Princeton University Press, 2023. Hardcover, 128 pages, $22.95. Reviewed by Paul Krause. Death is a morbid topic, one that most people...
Right Populism 

Right Populism 

The Conservative Affirmation By Willmoore Kendall. Regnery, 2022. Paperback, 432 pages, $18.99. Reviewed by Benjamin Clark. First published in 1963, Willmoore Kendall’s The Conservative Affirmation remains an under-read classic of conservative theory and political...
Kennan: The Fallible Prophet We Need

Kennan: The Fallible Prophet We Need

George Kennan for Our Time  By Lee Congdon. Northern Illinois University Press, 2022. Paperback, 232 pages, $19.95. Reviewed by Francis P. Sempa. The United States in the early 21st century, Lee Congdon writes, suffers from a wayward internationalist foreign policy...
The Classically Educated Mind of W. E. B Du Bois

The Classically Educated Mind of W. E. B Du Bois

Co-Workers in the Kingdom of Culture: Classics and Cosmopolitanism in the Thought of W. E. B. Du Bois By David Withun.  Oxford University Press, 2022.  Hardcover, 256 pages, $80.00. Reviewed by Chris Butynskyi. Race, class, gender. These are three important components...
Remembering Our Unruly Character

Remembering Our Unruly Character

Character in the American Experience: An Unruly People  By Bruce P. Frohnen and Ted V. McAllister. Lexington Books, 2022. Hardcover, 208 pages, $95. Reviewed by Ryan R. Holston. Truth-telling with regard to historical life is never a question of laying bare “the...