The World of Yesterday: Memoirs of a European By Stefan Zweig. Viking Press, 1943 (English Translation). Reviewed by John P. Rossi. On February 23, 1942, while Axis forces were triumphing everywhere—the Japanese overrunning the Philippines, the British withdrawing...
The Making of a Leader: The Formative Years of George C. Marshall By Josiah Bunting III. Knopf, 2024. Hardcover, 272 pages, $30. Reviewed by David Hein. Although long in gestation, this study of the formation of General George C. Marshall would have benefited from...
Elie Wiesel: Confronting the Silence (Jewish Lives) By Joseph Berger. Yale University Press, 2023. Hardcover, 360 pages, $26. Joseph Berger published Elie Wiesel: Confronting the Silence early last year. The University Bookman contributor JP O’Malley caught up with...
The Collaborators: Three Stories of Deception and Survival in World War II By Ian Buruma. Penguin Press, 2023. Hardcover, 320 pages, $30. Ian Buruma published The Collaborators: Three Stories of Deception and Survival in World War II early last year. The University...
Iron and Blood: A Military History of the German-Speaking Peoples since 1500 By Peter H. Wilson. Belknap Press, 2023. Hardcover, 976 pages, $39.95. Reviewed by Jesse Russell. “Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be...
To Awaken the Uneasy Sleeper: New Vistas on Russell Kirk’s Fiction---"The Wizard of Mecosta: Russell Kirk, Gothic Fiction, and the Moral Imagination" by Camilo Peralta. @VernonPress. Reviewed by James E. Person Jr.
Halting the Assembly Line Life---@SarahSoltis02 reviews "Mothers, Children, and the Body Politic: Ancient Christianity and the Recovery of Human Dignity" by @NadyaWilliams81. @ivpress