Isaac Newton’s Philosophy of Sacred Space and Sacred Time: An Essay on the History of an Idea by Gregory Gillette The Edwin Mellen Press (Lewiston, N.Y.) 119 pp., $99.95 cloth, 2007 The material universe fully encompasses reality. Upon this premise rests a trendy...
“Men of Kalidu, the centuries look down upon you!” So cried His Excellency, Manfred Arcane,Minister Without Portfolio to his Mightiness Achmet XI, Hereditary President of Hamnegri and Sultan in Kalidu. This day the wise and virtuous Minister, confidential servant to...
Russell Kirk’s Ghostly Fiction Invites Us to Embrace and Live the MysteryIf I say the word “ghost” at a polite gathering (coffeehouse, cocktail party, a friend’s wedding reception), some will recoil, albeit perhaps only slightly. How, they’ll ask with polite but...
Of the voluminous corpus of Russell Kirk’s writings, no small amount concerns the subject of education. Kirk counted in his memoirs that over a span of five decades he had authored “some hundreds of essays, articles, and newspaper columns,” as well as three books...
A Sympathetic Critic’s View of Kirk’s LegacyI suspect I might have been asked to join this distinguished company for a very specific reason. Unlike most of the other contributors, I am not considered entirely in agreement with my subject. This certainly does not mean...
So easy to forget that the best way to educate yourself is to read great works of literature and philosophy, then talk about them. Bring back the salon!