Imaginative Conservative

The Imaginative Conservative blog has been posting lots of great material by and about Russell Kirk, including Kirk’s reflection on the twelve days of Christmas, the 1953 review of The Conservative Mind from the New York Times, and a selection on the unbought...

Books in Little

The Dialectics of Secularization: On Reason and Religion by Jürgen Habermas and Joseph Ratzinger (Ignatius Press, 85 pp.) Does the free state have pre-political moral foundations? This slim volume contains opposing answers to this question by Habermas, one of...

What Is All This?

Russell Kirk presented this lecture as the 1986 Commencement Address at La Lumiere School. Once upon a time I was seated in an automobile passing rapidly along the broad highway that runs between Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo. My companion in the back seat was the very...

The Long Twilight

On Essays and Letters“If we say that human civilization has existed for about a millionth of the age of this Galaxy, we may not be far wrong.” —Arthur C. Clarke, 1963. On every side, we are besieged with theories telling us that, due to man, we are depriving future...

Conservatism in Germany

In Remembrance of Caspar von Schrenck-Notzing (1927–2009)The year 1968 not only marked the culmination of the students’ rebellion, but also the starting point for a conservative counter movement in Germany. Three developments were caused by this event: In 1970 Caspar...