Marco Respinti is a Milan-based journalist, essayist, translator, and lecturer. A scholar of Anglo-American conservative thought, he contributes to daily national newspapers such as Libero, Il Foglio, Cronache di liberal, Il Tempo, and l’Occidentale, Ragionpolitica,...
Gleaves Whitney Gleaves Whitney is executive director of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation, which fosters increased awareness of the life, career, values, and legacy of America’s 38th President. Gleaves was director of the Hauenstein Center for Presidential...
Ian Crowe Ian Crowe is director of the Edmund Burke Society of America. He is currently an associate professor of History at Belmont Abbey College and executive editor of the journal Studies in Burke and His Time.Ian’s research interest is the career and writings of...
Bruce P. Frohnen Bruce P. Frohnen is Ella and Ernest Fisher Professor of Law at Ohio Northern University College of Law. He has served as Charles Evans Hughes Professor of Jurisprudence at Colgate University, Thomas Bahnson and Anne Bassett Stanley Professor of Ethics...
Vigen Guroian Vigen Guroian most recently was Professor of Religious Studies in Orthodox Christianity at the University of Virginia. He has been a recipient of the University of Virginia Student Council Distinguished Teacher Award.Dr. Guroian received his B.A. from...
Continuing in our celebration of the centenary of "Democracy and Leadership" by Irving Babbitt, reviewer Claes G. Ryn discusses the hostile reactions to Babbitt's views in his time.