These Truths: A History of the United States by Jill Lepore. W. W. Norton, 2018. Hardcover, 960 pages, $40. Part Three, The State (1866–1945) Reviewed by Robert Greene II The rationale for Jill Lepore’s attempt at a new, fresh national narrative, These Truths, can be...
These Truths: A History of the United States by Jill Lepore. W. W. Norton, 2018. Hardcover, 960 pages, $40. Part Four, The Machine (1946–2016) Reviewed by Lauren F. Turek Historian Jill Lepore opens her sweeping, synthetic overview of United States history with an...
By Ryan J. Barilleaux Dystopia is all the rage these days. Not only does it make for hit television, in the form of Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale or Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle, but it is the concern of many popular fiction and Internet ruminations. Indeed, it...
Churchill: Walking with Destiny by Andrew Roberts. Viking, 2018. Hardcover, 1152 pages, $40. Reviewed by Joseph Bottum and Benjamin F. Jones There are now more than a thousand biographies of Winston Churchill. Or so declares the publicity material accompanying Andrew...
The Virtue of Nationalism by Yoram Hazony. Basic Books, 2018. Hardcover, 285 pages, $30. Reviewed by Glenn A. Moots In a lamentable time when Ben Shapiro and Tucker Carlson are considered prominent conservatives, Yoram Hazony may be the most important conservative you...
So easy to forget that the best way to educate yourself is to read great works of literature and philosophy, then talk about them. Bring back the salon!