Renovatio Europae: For a Hesperialist Renewal of Europe Edited by David Engels. Groningen: Blue Tiger Media, 2019. Hardcover, €19.50. Reviewed by Scott B. Nelson As always, Europe is in crisis. Some lament the European Union’s longstanding democratic deficit. Others...
By Francis P. Sempa James Burnham (1905–1987) was an American political philosopher and public intellectual who traveled the intellectual journey from Marxism (the Trotskyite version) to conservatism. When he broke with Marxism in the late 1930s, he began writing for...
"The things we love and are grateful for in our Western societies are under attack. We might very well lose them, and this realization is animating conservatives like Roberts to advocate for “offensive conservatism” before our fragile civilization is lost."
Great essay from…