A farewell to Christopher Tolkien. By Michael Toscano By the time Christopher Tolkien was called up, His Majesty’s Royal Air Force had already been chased off the continent of Europe, losing nearly five hundred fighters over Belgium and France; had turned around and...
By Michael Toscano When Mabel Tolkien died on November 14, 1904, in a diabetic coma, her two sons, Ronald and Hilary, twelve and ten years of age, were passed to the legal guardianship of Fr. Francis Xavier Morgan, a priest of the Birmingham Oratory, founded less than...
Thinking Ourselves into Oblivion ----- @DWeinberger03 reviews Why We Think What We Think: The Rise and Fall of Western Thought by Dan LeRoy. @sophiapress
The “Christian Nationalism” Canard--@tomsarroufjr reviews "Why #ChristianNationalism Is Not an Existential Threat to America or the Church" by @MDH_GFU.