Common Good Credentialism

Common Good Credentialism

Common Good Constitutionalism by Adrian Vermeule. Polity, 2022. Hardcover, 270 pages, $59.95. Reviewed by Bruce P. Frohnen. Thirty years on from its victory over Soviet communism, liberal individualism has shown itself to be a spent force. The drive to “liberate”...
Leviathan at Bay, at Last?

Leviathan at Bay, at Last?

Judicial Fortitude: The Last Chance to Rein in the Administrative State By Peter J. Wallison. Encounter Books, 2018. Cloth, 216 pages, $24. Reviewed by Stephen B. Presser When, in the decades to come, historians look back at the early twenty-first century, they will...
At the Suffrage of the State

At the Suffrage of the State

Liberal Suppression: 501(c)(3) and the Taxation of Speech by Philip Hamburger. University of Chicago, 2018. Hardcover, 432 pages, $55. Reviewed by Bruce Frohnen Why read legal history, especially if you are not a lawyer? The field is dominated by specialists and...
Can Bureaucrats Be Virtuous?

Can Bureaucrats Be Virtuous?

When the State Meets the Street: Public Service and Moral Agency by Bernardo Zacka. Belknap Press, 2017. Hardcover, 320 pages, $35. Reviewed by John Ehrett It’s easy to view the modern administrative state as a faceless regulatory apparatus, or a lumbering...
Repulsed by the Education Cartel

Repulsed by the Education Cartel

The Coming Death and Future Resurrection of American Higher Education by Richard J. Bishirjian. St. Augustine’s Press, 2017. Hardcover, 121 pages, $22. Reviewed by Elizabeth Bittner The Coming Death and Future Resurrection of American Higher Education is the story of...