The Death and Life of Jane Jacobs’s Hometown

The Death and Life of Jane Jacobs’s Hometown

Jane Jacobs’s First City: Learning from Scranton, Pennsylvania By Glenna Lang. New Village Press, 2021. Hardcover, 468 Pages, $39.95. Reviewed by Josh Bowman. Places, for better or worse, are a part of who we are and who we become. Along with our faith and families of...
A Landmark Tragedy

A Landmark Tragedy

New York’s Original Penn Station: The Rise and Tragic Fall of an American Landmark by Paul M. Kaplan The History Press, 2019. Paperback, 176 pages, $22. Reviewed by Matthew M. Robare The original Penn Station, which opened in 1910 and was torn down for the current...
The Patterns of Living

The Patterns of Living

Cities Alive: Jane Jacobs, Christopher Alexander, and the Roots of the New Urban Renaissance by Michael W. Mehaffy. Sustasis Press, 2017. Paperback, $20. Reviewed by Gene Callahan I first encountered the work of the great urban theorist Jane Jacobs due to the...
On the Rebuilding of Notre-Dame

On the Rebuilding of Notre-Dame

By James Atkins Pritchard The fire that burned in the very heart of Paris has now for a fortnight been put out. Each night the city’s great cathedral stands in the darkness, roofless but defiant, to greet—as it has at least three hundred thousand times—another dawn....