The Apple of His Eye: Converts from Islam in the Reign of Louis IX by William Chester Jordan. Princeton University Press, 2019. Hardcover, 200 pages, $35. Reviewed by James Baresel My suspicions are that barely a minority of well-read conservatives with an avid but...
Construisons-nous une société humaine ou inhumaine? By Michel Aupetit. Editions du Moulin, 2016. Softcover, 125 pages, €10. Reviewed by Samuel Gregg When the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris was engulfed by flames on 15 April 2019, one man emerged as the face of French...
Frost in May By Antonia White Virago Modern Classics, [1933] 2019. Paperback, 224 pages, $14. Reviewed by Eve Tushnet “We work to-day to turn out, not accomplished young women, nor agreeable wives, but soldiers of Christ, accustomed to hardship and ridicule and...
Leo Strauss and His Catholic Readers edited by Geoffrey M. Vaughan. The Catholic University of America Press, 2018. Hardcover, 360 pages, $75. Reviewed by Richard M. Reinsch II Leo Strauss greatly revived the study of political philosophy in the twentieth century and...
Steadfast in Faith: Catholicism and the Challenges of Secularism by David G. Bonagura, Jr. Cluny Media, 2019. Paperback, 308 pages, $19.95. Reviewed by Casey Chalk “When the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth?” This question, asked by Jesus and recorded in...