James Burnham: The Partisan Review Years

James Burnham: The Partisan Review Years

By Francis P. Sempa. When James Burnham formally left the Socialist Workers Party in 1940 (intellectually, he had left it the year before), he did not immediately embrace the conservatism of his American Mercury, The Freeman, and National Review years. Burnham instead...
Nationalizing Conservatism

Nationalizing Conservatism

Conservatism: A Rediscovery by Yoram Hazony. Regnery Gateway, 2022. Hardcover, 256 pages, $29.99. Reviewed by John G. Grove In the introduction to The Conservative Mind, Russell Kirk defended his choice of Burke as the originator of modern conservatism: “If one...
Letting the Princess Out of the Castle

Letting the Princess Out of the Castle

How to Raise a Conservative Daughter by Michelle Easton. Regnery, 2021. Hardcover, 256 pages. $29. Reviewed by Elizabeth Bittner The challenges facing conservative parents seem to multiply by the day. How-to guides exist for any and everything under the sun, but what...
Conservatism Balanced and Unbalanced

Conservatism Balanced and Unbalanced

The Right: The Hundred Year War for American Conservatism by Matthew Continetti. Basic Books, 2022. Hardback, 496 pages, $32. Reviewed by Paul Krause The election of Donald Trump in 2016 marked a watershed moment for American politics and in particular for the...
Conservatism? What a Concept

Conservatism? What a Concept

Conservatism (Key Concepts in Political Theory) by Edmund Neill. Polity, 2021. Paperback, 180 pages, $19.95 Reviewed by Daniel Pitt Edmund Neill, in a chapter called “Defining Conservatism,” tells us that this “book seeks to define the concept of conservatism.” To do...