Feminism Inside Out

Feminism Inside Out

Still Mad: American Women Writers and the Feminist Imagination by Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar. W. W. Norton, 2021. Hardcover, 464 pages, $28. Reviewed by Carl Rollyson The title of the work under review hearkens back to The Mad Woman in the Attic: The Woman...
Toward a Moral Vision of Women’s Rights

Toward a Moral Vision of Women’s Rights

The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision by Erika Bachiochi. Notre Dame Press, 2021. Paperback, 422 pages, $35. Reviewed by Nicole M. King In 2017, the day after the inauguration of President Donald Trump, some half a million women descended upon Washington for...
Why Make Men Pigs

Why Make Men Pigs

Circe by Madeline Miller. Little, Brown and Company, 2018. Hardcover, 400 pages, $27. Reviewed by Colleen M. Curran Madeline Miller’s 2011 debut novel, Song of Achilles, presented a recasting of Homer’s Iliad that retold the familiar tale from the perspective of...