The Human Person: A Beginner’s Thomistic Psychology by Steven J. Jensen. The Catholic University of America Press, 2018. Paperback, 296 pages, $35. Reviewed by Casey Chalk How would our society be different if all Americans had just a little bit of Thomas Aquinas?...
The Hanging God By James Matthew Wilson. Angelico Press, 2018. Paperback, 85 pages, $14.95 Reviewed by Steven Knepper Many of the poems in James Matthew Wilson’s The Hanging God are well-executed narratives. There are narratives, for instance, about an impoverished...
The Year of Our Lord 1943: Christian Humanism in an Age of Crisis by Alan Jacobs. Oxford University Press, 2018. Cloth, 280 pages, $30. Reviewed by Adam Schwartz John Henry Newman once dubbed the Christian Church a “counter-kingdom.” As the historical embodiment of...
The Humane Vision of Wendell Berry, edited by Mark T. Mitchell and Nathan Schlueter. ISI Books, 2011. Cloth, 336 pages, $30. Reviewed by Tobias J. Lanz Wendell Berry is one of America’s most ardent defenders of the humane tradition—one of the few viable alternatives...
To Awaken the Uneasy Sleeper: New Vistas on Russell Kirk’s Fiction---"The Wizard of Mecosta: Russell Kirk, Gothic Fiction, and the Moral Imagination" by Camilo Peralta. @VernonPress. Reviewed by James E. Person Jr.
Halting the Assembly Line Life---@SarahSoltis02 reviews "Mothers, Children, and the Body Politic: Ancient Christianity and the Recovery of Human Dignity" by @NadyaWilliams81. @ivpress