The American Technological Advantage

The American Technological Advantage

Victory at Sea: Naval Power and the Transformation of the Global Order in World War II By Paul Kennedy. Yale University Press, 2022. Hardcover, 544 Pages, $37.50. Reviewed by Casey Chalk. On the eve of Nazi Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939, any observer would have...
Long Live the Greeks

Long Live the Greeks

The Greeks: A Global History  by Roderick Beaton. Basic Books, 2021. Hardback, 608 pages, $35. Reviewed by Casey Chalk It is remarkable to consider the contribution of Greek civilization to the pillars of the Western world. Much of American (and Western) political...
Lessons of Nationalism

Lessons of Nationalism

Blood and Iron: The Rise and Fall of the German Empire By Katja Hoyer. Pegasus Books, 2021. Hardcover, 272 pages, $27.95. Reviewed by Casey Chalk Today the word nationalism provokes immediate fears of a resurgent “blood and soil” fascism. Nationalism stokes “racist or...
Appropriating the Goods of Reactionary Conservatism

Appropriating the Goods of Reactionary Conservatism

The Reactionary Mind: Why “Conservative” Isn’t Enough by Michael Warren Davis. Regnery, 2021. Hardcover, 256 pages, $28.99. Reviewed by Casey Chalk There’s a common interaction my wife and I have with people when we are out with our four young children. The stranger...
Democracy and Iniquity

Democracy and Iniquity

We the Fallen People: The Founders and the Future of American Democracy by Robert Tracy McKenzie. IVP Academic, 2021. Hardcover, 304 pages, $28. Reviewed by Casey Chalk As U.S. troops continued their exit from Afghanistan this summer, a former high-school history...