Scruton, Defender of the Past

Scruton, Defender of the Past

Jeffrey Folks Roger Scruton was the author of over fifty books and of a great many articles and notes. He taught at Birkbeck College, London, from 1971 to 1992, and later part-time at other universities, and he was a prominent speaker at conferences and institutes,...
T. K. Rabb: In Memoriam

T. K. Rabb: In Memoriam

As 2019 begins to wind down, we take stock of the year and note the gaps left by our losses. One such loss is Theodore (T. K.) Rabb, professor emeritus of history at Princeton University, who passed away this January. Born in Czechoslovakia in 1937 to a Jewish...
John Lukacs: Reactionary, Not Conservative

John Lukacs: Reactionary, Not Conservative

By John P. McCarthy On May 6th I received an email that historian John Lukacs had died at the age of ninety-five. Looking up, I was startled to notice twelve of his books on the bookshelf immediately behind my computer. Such was the measure of the man that I wanted to...
John L. Connelly: In Memoriam

John L. Connelly: In Memoriam

John Connelly was a longtime Bookman reader and occasional contributor, and also a strong intellectual influence as teacher and mentor on the current editor. His friend and collaborator John McCarthy offers this memorial. An Exemplar of an Educator in the Jesuit...
The Same City

The Same City

RIP James V. Schall, S. J. By Thomas M. Johnson, Jr. At a Knights of Columbus meeting my freshman year at Georgetown University, a fellow student gave me one piece of advice: Major in Fr. Schall. Take as many of his classes as you can. All seven if possible....