Retaining Humanity in the Age of A.I.

Retaining Humanity in the Age of A.I.

Wiser Than the Machine: The Value of Classical Christian Education in an Age of Artificial Intelligence By Michael Collender and Jonathan Shaw. Veritas Press, 2024. Paperback, 125 pages, $9.95. Reviewed by Isaiah Flair.  For decades, books and movies have speculated...
Thinking as a Human Being

Thinking as a Human Being

Thinking about Thinking: Mind and Meaning in the Era of Techno-Nihilism James D. Madden. Cascade Books, 2023. Paperback, 220 pages, $29. Reviewed by David Weinberger. Ever wonder what it means to have a mind? Is thinking, for example, unique to the human species? Or...
A Crisis and the Heroic March of Medicine

A Crisis and the Heroic March of Medicine

The Great War and the Birth of Modern Medicine: A History by Thomas Helling, M.D. Pegasus Books, 2022. Hardcover, 496 pages, $32. Reviewed by Karl C. Shaffenburg The inscription on Dr. Thomas Helling’s book, The Great War and the Birth of Modern Medicine: A History...
A Cryptic Prophecy for the Information Age

A Cryptic Prophecy for the Information Age

Life After Google: The Fall of Big Data and the Rise of the Blockchain Economy by George Gilder. Regnery, 2018. Paperback, 256 pages, $17. Reviewed by Auguste Meyrat Although it seems like ages ago, there was a time when the internet was a fun and exciting place. Like...
The Internet Giveth and the Internet Taketh Away

The Internet Giveth and the Internet Taketh Away

100 Things We’ve Lost to the Internet By Pamela Paul. Crown, 2021. Hardcover, 288 pages, $27. Reviewed by Auguste Meyrat Few inventions in recent memory have been more disruptive and influential than the internet. Only a few decades ago, the great whole of humanity...