On the Need for Property and Virtue

On the Need for Property and Virtue

Plutocratic Socialism: The Future of Private Property and the Fate of the Middle Class. Mark T. Mitchell. Front Porch Republic Books, 2022. Paperback, 180 pages, $23. Reviewed by Michael P. Federici. Every age eventually faces the challenge of what in recent times has...
Education as a Moral Enterprise

Education as a Moral Enterprise

McGuffey and His Readers: Piety, Morality, and Education in Nineteenth-Century America by John H. Westerhoff III. Abingdon, 1978. Hardcover, 206 pages. Reviewed by Christine Norvell In the history of education in America, many Americans no longer know how common...
Magpies, Verbal Jugglers, and True Liberty

Magpies, Verbal Jugglers, and True Liberty

The Metalogicon: A Twelfth-Century Defense of the Verbal and Logical Arts of the Trivium by John of Salisbury, translated by Daniel McGarry Paul Dry Books, 2009. Paperback, 305 pages, $22.95. Reviewed by Jared Zimmerer In an age of relativism and scientific...
Can Bureaucrats Be Virtuous?

Can Bureaucrats Be Virtuous?

When the State Meets the Street: Public Service and Moral Agency by Bernardo Zacka. Belknap Press, 2017. Hardcover, 320 pages, $35. Reviewed by John Ehrett It’s easy to view the modern administrative state as a faceless regulatory apparatus, or a lumbering...

Dinner with Aristotle

The Virtues of the Table: How to Eat and Think, by Julian Baggini. Granta Books, 2014. Paper, 280 pages, $14. There are few areas of life as difficult to navigate or moderate as eating. It’s necessary for existence—one of the most primal acts in which we partake. And...