Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the American Civil War by Harry S. Stout. Viking Penguin (New York) 576 pp., $29.95 cloth, 2006 Harry Stout, the Jonathan Edwards Professor of American Religious History at Yale University, has written another...
Why Conservation Is Failing and How It Can Regain Ground by Eric T. Freyfogle. Yale University Press (New Haven, Conn.) 302 pp., $37.00 cloth, 2006Environmental conservation has moved from the margin to the political mainstream in recent decades. However, despite the...
Russian Conservatism and Its Critics: A Study in Political Culture by Richard Pipes. Yale University Press (New Haven, Conn.) 216pp., $30.00 cloth, 2006 In Russian Conservatism, Richard Pipes gives a masterful introduction to several hundred years of Russian political...
Isaac Newton’s Philosophy of Sacred Space and Sacred Time: An Essay on the History of an Idea by Gregory Gillette The Edwin Mellen Press (Lewiston, N.Y.) 119 pp., $99.95 cloth, 2007 The material universe fully encompasses reality. Upon this premise rests a trendy...
“Men of Kalidu, the centuries look down upon you!” So cried His Excellency, Manfred Arcane,Minister Without Portfolio to his Mightiness Achmet XI, Hereditary President of Hamnegri and Sultan in Kalidu. This day the wise and virtuous Minister, confidential servant to...