A Formidable Conservative Mind

Prophet of Innovation: Joseph Schumpeter and Creative Destruction by Thomas K. McCraw. Belknap Press (Cambridge, Mass.) 736 pp., $35 cloth, 2007 By the middle of the eighteenth century, writes Joseph Alois Schumpeter in his History of Economic Analysis, “the time of...
Six Honest Serving-Men

Six Honest Serving-Men

The Information-Literate Historian: A Guide to Research for History Students by Jenny L. Presnell. Oxford University Press (New York City) 256 pp., $17.95 paper 2006I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And...
Morality in History and Historiography

Morality in History and Historiography

Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the American Civil War by Harry S. Stout. Viking Penguin (New York) 576 pp., $29.95 cloth, 2006 Harry Stout, the Jonathan Edwards Professor of American Religious History at Yale University, has written another...
Toward a Conservative Conservation Movement

Toward a Conservative Conservation Movement

Why Conservation Is Failing and How It Can Regain Ground by Eric T. Freyfogle. Yale University Press (New Haven, Conn.) 302 pp., $37.00 cloth, 2006Environmental conservation has moved from the margin to the political mainstream in recent decades. However, despite the...
Despotism Justified

Despotism Justified

Russian Conservatism and Its Critics: A Study in Political Culture by Richard Pipes. Yale University Press (New Haven, Conn.) 216pp., $30.00 cloth, 2006 In Russian Conservatism, Richard Pipes gives a masterful introduction to several hundred years of Russian political...