By Francis P. Sempa James Burnham (1905–1987), who became a leading anti-communist and prominent intellectual figure in American conservatism, began his professional intellectual career as a Marxist. His early writings appeared in leading Marxist and socialist...
A Melanchthonian Analysis E. J. Hutchinson There have been a slew of comments in recent months suggesting that ideological woke progressivism is a new religion manqué (the reference to the left hand is intentional), a bottomless reservoir both of false...
A Historian’s Perspective Dr. George H. Nash In October 2020 the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal celebrated its first twenty-five years of existence. It provided an occasion to reflect on the significance of Kirk’s work and its bearing on the purposes and...
By Dr. Anika T. Prather In These Pages There is so much to glean from the ancient folk There is so much to learn from those who spoke centuries ago It is different for every person How the books connect to the soul But they will if you let them And it may take time to...
By Auguste Meyrat At the time of its publication in 1856, Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert scandalized audiences by glamorizing adultery and ridiculing marriage and religion. The novel’s story is about Emma Roualt, the wife of a dimwitted country doctor, Charles...
Milan Kundera, Ambiguous Prophet Trevor C. Merrill “Those no longer able to see reality with their own eyes are equally unable to hear correctly,” writes Josef Pieper. “It is specifically the man thus impoverished who inevitably falls prey to the demagogical spells of...