Highlights & News

Interns Engage with Conservative Principles

Interns Engage with Conservative Principles

Each summer, the Kirk Center welcomes a group of interns from the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty to an intellectual retreat to focus on first principles. This July, Acton interns gathered in the Kirk library for a seminar titled "Politics,...

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Seminar Explores Shakespeare’s Plutarch

Seminar Explores Shakespeare’s Plutarch

On March 25 - 27, Hillsdale College students gathered for a seminar at the Kirk Center on the topic: “If You Have Writ Your Annals True: Plutarchan Lives and Shakespearian Tragedies.” Students read aloud selections from the plays Coriolanus and Julius Caesar, as well...

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Book Launch of The Conservative Mind in Brazil

Book Launch of The Conservative Mind in Brazil

We're pleased to announce that The Conservative Mind, translated into Portuguese for the first time, has recently been published in Brazil. On January 12th, Alex Catharino, the writer of the introduction, conducted the virtual book launch from the É Realizações...

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The University Bookman at 60: A Retrospective

The University Bookman at 60: A Retrospective

This year, the University Bookman celebrates its 60th year of publication. Historian George Nash charts the journal from its origins in an arrangement between Russell Kirk and William F. Buckley Jr. to its evolution into a respected source for cultural commentary from...

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