Toward a Renewal of Europe

Toward a Renewal of Europe

Renovatio Europae: For a Hesperialist Renewal of Europe Edited by David Engels. Groningen: Blue Tiger Media, 2019. Hardcover, €19.50. Reviewed by Scott B. Nelson As always, Europe is in crisis. Some lament the European Union’s longstanding democratic deficit. Others...
Murray’s Lyric Lament

Murray’s Lyric Lament

The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam By Douglas Murray. Bloomsbury Continuum, 2018. Paperback, 384 pages, $20. Reviewed by Henry George Over August and September of 2015 nearly 2 million people entered Europe. Germany added 1–2 percent of its...
The Good People

The Good People

A Short Story by Susannah Black First, look at his bookshelves: this is always crucial. As soon as Székely was out of the room, Sofia headed to the shelves beside the office door—these all seemed to be galleys, and she spotted, with envy, the new Pierre Manent, of...
Fragments of Shattered Empire

Fragments of Shattered Empire

Last Days in Old Europe: Trieste ’79, Vienna ’85, Prague ’89 By Richard Bassett. Allen Lane, 2019. Hardcover, 207 pages, $35. Reviewed by Kevin J. McNamara Empires demand histories as imperious as their subjects, but their aftermath, as this work by Richard Bassett...