Federalism Against the Slave Power

Federalism Against the Slave Power

American Abolitionism: Its Direct Political Impact from Colonial Times into Reconstruction by Stanley Harrold. University of Virginia Press, 2019. Hardcover. 296 pages. $39.50. Reviewed by Carl Lawrence Paulus The New York Times Magazine recently commemorated the four...
More to Say on Slavery and the Constitution

More to Say on Slavery and the Constitution

No Property in Man: Slavery and Antislavery at the Nation’s Founding by Sean Wilentz. Harvard University Press, 2018. Hardcover, 368 pages, $27. Reviewed by Jason Ross The single most influential interpreter of the Convention that framed the Constitution is the...
The Price of the Peculiar Institution

The Price of the Peculiar Institution

Unrequited Toil: A History of United States Slavery by Calvin Schermerhorn. Cambridge University Press, 2018. 264 pages; hardcover, $100; paperback, $25. Reviewed by Casey Chalk On a recent trip to the Tidewater region of Virginia to visit family, my appreciation for...
Haiti’s Role in the American Civil War

Haiti’s Role in the American Civil War

The Slaveholding Crisis: Fear of Insurrection and the Coming of the Civil War by Carl Lawrence Paulus. LSU Press, 2017. Hardcover, 328 pages, $49. Reviewed by Kyle Sammin In the teaching of American history, the United States is often portrayed as going it alone....