The Book that Shaped the Study of England Between the Wars English History, 1914–1945. The Oxford History of England, Volume XV. by A. J. P. Taylor. Oxford University Press, 1965. By John Rossi Alan John Percivale Taylor (1906–1990) was the “bad boy” of the...
Ireland Since the Famine: 1850 to the Present by F. S. L. Lyons. Fontana Press, [1971] 1985. Paperback, 880 pages. Reviewed by John Rossi Fifty years ago, a book appeared that refined the writing and understanding of modern Irish history. F. S. L. Lyons’s...
Uncrowned Queen: The Life of Margaret Beaufort, Mother of the Tudors By Nicola Tallis. Basic Books, 2020. Hardcover, 416 pages, $32. Reviewed by Garrett Robinson The Tudors, unfortunately famous now primarily through film and pulp-histories, have a name for themselves...
Matilda: Empress, Queen, Warrior by Catherine Hanley. Yale University Press, 2019. Hardcover, 277 pages, $30. Reviewed by Timothy D. Lusch By none but me can the tale be told, The butcher of Rouen, poor Berold. (Lands are swayed by a King on a throne.) ’Twas a royal...
John P. Rossi Winston Churchill was the greatest orator of the twentieth century. His most famous speeches rank with those of giants like Lincoln and Martin Luther King. A master of rhetoric with a gift for the memorable phrase, six of his speeches were transformative...
So easy to forget that the best way to educate yourself is to read great works of literature and philosophy, then talk about them. Bring back the salon!