Old Whigs: Burke, Lincoln, and the Politics of Prudence by Greg Weiner. Encounter Books, 2019. Hardcover, 184 pages, $24. Reviewed by Kyle Sammin More books have been written about Abraham Lincoln than any other man, excepting only Jesus Christ, who all must admit is...
Heroes of the Fourth Turning by Will Arbery, directed by Danya Taymore Playwrights Horizons (New York), September 13–November 17, 2019. Reviewed by Trevor C. Merrill Will Arbery has described his new play as a six-part fugue. Its subject—the kernel from which the rest...
By John Tuttle The 1930s was a decade sprinkled with literature of all sorts that related fantastic tales concerning the goings-on of Mars and its inhabitants. Throughout the thirties, there were several installments of Edgar Rice Burroughs’s book series John Carter...
Packaged Pleasures. How Technology and Marketing Revolutionized Desire by Gary S. Cross and Robert N. Proctor. University of Chicago Press, 2014. Hardcover, 351 pages, $35. Reviewed by Gerald J. Russello The age of industry was—is—also an age of addiction. We like the...
Jean Vanier: Portrait of a Free Man by Anne-Sophie Constant. Plough, 2019. Paperback, 250 pages, $18. Reviewed by Matthew Loftus About a decade ago came a minor skirmish in the ongoing fight among evangelicals about our disposition towards the faith that goes back...
So easy to forget that the best way to educate yourself is to read great works of literature and philosophy, then talk about them. Bring back the salon!