O’Connor, Updike, and the Literature of Self-Recrimination Michial Farmer The recent intra-literati arguments about Flannery O’Connor’s racism are, if nothing else, hard proof that ideas have consequences. Not long after the police killing of George Floyd ignited...
Commerce and Manners in Edmund Burke’s Political Economy by Gregory M. Collins. Cambridge University Press, 2020. Hardcover, 578 pages, $50. Reviewed by John G. Grove Only someone like Edmund Burke could find in the “motions of England’s internal grain trade” anything...
Children of Ash and Elm: A History of the Vikings by Neil Price. Basic Books, 2020. Hardcover, 624 pages, $35. Reviewed by Clayton Trutor When I stroll through the stacks of a college library, I often find my way over to the DL60s—History of Northern Europe: Earliest...
Heart of a Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov Translated by Mirra Ginsburg. Grove Press, 1968. Paperback, 123 page, $16. By Katya Sedgwick In June, when Black Lives Matter riots erupted in American cities, conservatives began rereading Tom Wolfe for insides on race relations. I,...
Critics of Enlightenment Rationalism edited by Gene Callahan and Kenneth B. McIntyre. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. Hardcover, 313 pages, $110. Reviewed by David Coates Surveying the French Revolution, Edmund Burke presented an apparent paradox: “The pretended rights of...
The Centrality of Civic Virtue---@DavidHein9 on "The Roots of Liberalism: What Faithful Knights and the Little Match Girl Taught Us about Civic Virtue" by F. H. Buckley. @GMULawLibrary