The Historical Mind: Humanistic Renewal in a Post-Constitutional Age edited by Justin D. Garrison and Ryan R. Holston SUNY Press, 2020. Hardcover, 320 pages, $95. Reviewed by Luke C. Sheahan The historical mind is not without its controversy. And for good reason. It...
A Certain Idea of France: The Life of Charles de Gaulle by Julian Jackson. Allen Lane, 2018 / Penguin 2019. Paperback, 928 pages, $30. Reviewed by Owen Edwards The summary of Julian Jackson’s reading of de Gaulle is the section title of Part Four of this monumental...
Progressivism: The Strange History of a Radical Idea by Bradley C. S. Watson. University of Notre Dame Press, 2020. Hardcover, 251 pages, $45. Reviewed by John C. Chalberg Just who were the original progressives of a century ago? They reached all the way from Social...
The Inklings, the Victorians, and the Moderns: Reconciling Tradition in the Modern Age by Christopher Butynskyi. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2020. Hardcover, 206 pages, $90. Reviewed by James A. Davenport Since Buckley, it has often been said of...
Old House of Fear: A Novel by Russell Kirk, introduction by James Panero. Criterion Books, [1961] 2019. Paperback, 264 pages, $19. Reviewed by Jeremy Seaton Russell Kirk’s Old House of Fear recounts Hugh Logan’s trip from Michigan to Carnglass, a scarcely known island...
The Centrality of Civic Virtue---@DavidHein9 on "The Roots of Liberalism: What Faithful Knights and the Little Match Girl Taught Us about Civic Virtue" by F. H. Buckley. @GMULawLibrary