Confessions of a Recovering Engineer: Transportation for a Strong Town By Charles L. Marohn Jr. Wiley, 2021. Hardcover, 272 pages, $25. Reviewed by Jason Jewell On the evening of December 3, 2014, seven-year-old Destiny Gonzalez was hit by a drunk driver on State...
Avenues of Faith: Conversations with Jonathan Guilbault by Charles Taylor, trans. by Yanette Shalter. Baylor University Press, 2020. Hardcover, 92 pages, $30. Reviewed by Jeffrey Wald I love short books. I love long books too; completing War and Peace a few years back...
The Historical Mind: Humanistic Renewal in a Post-Constitutional Age, Justin D. Garrison and Ryan R. Holston, eds. State University of New York Press, 2020. Paperback, 326 pages, $34. Reviewed by Jason C. Phillips On January 26, 2021, President Biden announced a...
Transmitting Western Civilization Through Education--@darrellfalconbu reviews "On Being Civilized: A Few Lines Amid the Breakage" by Tracy Lee Simmons.
@MemoriaCollege Press.
The Divine Inspiration of Handel’s Messiah---Rev. Dr. Karl C. Schaffenburg on "Every Valley: The Desperate Lives and Troubled Times That Made Handel’s Messiah" by Charles King. @doubledaybooks