The Dying Citizen: How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and Globalization Are Destroying the Idea of America By Victor Davis Hanson. Basic Books, 2021. Hardcover, 432 pages, $30. Reviewed by Jeffrey Folks Victor Davis Hanson’s The Dying Citizen makes a substantial...
The Political Philosophy of the European City: From Polis through City-State, to Megalopolis? By Ferenc Hörcher. Lexington Books, 2021. Hardback, 298 pages, $110. Reviewed by Simon P. Kennedy I grew up in a small city at the southern end of the Australian mainland. It...
A Political Philosophy of Conservatism: Prudence, Moderation, and Tradition by Ferenc Hörcher Bloomsbury Academic, 2021 Paperback, 216 pages, $39.95. Reviewed by Karl Gustel Wärnberg Political theory has for the past few centuries placed justice at the center of...
[Editor’s Note: “Lessons from Toyland” is a holiday essay to be published in three installments: Part I, December 22; Part II, December 26; and Part III, January 2, 2022. Many thanks to the imaginative author for this Christmastide contribution.] Part III By E. Wesley...