Faith and Works and the Novel

Faith and Works and the Novel

The Decline of the Novel by Joseph Bottum. St. Augustine’s Press, 2019. Hardcover, 153 pages, $25. Reviewed by Trevor C. Merrill In this wide-ranging essay, Joseph Bottum has managed to turn a stale topic—the death of the novel—into fresh cultural criticism, arguing...
The Children Are in Charge

The Children Are in Charge

Campusland: A Novel by Scott Johnston. St. Martin’s Press, 2019. Hardcover, 322 pages, $28. Reviewed by Matthew Stewart Would the president of an elite university cave in to the demands of campus militants to the tune of $50 million in order to buy temporary peace? In...
The Good People

The Good People

A Short Story by Susannah Black First, look at his bookshelves: this is always crucial. As soon as Székely was out of the room, Sofia headed to the shelves beside the office door—these all seemed to be galleys, and she spotted, with envy, the new Pierre Manent, of...
Prin’s Original Fictions

Prin’s Original Fictions

Original Prin: A Novel by Randy Boyagoda. Biblioasis, 2019. Paperback, 224 pages, $15. Reviewed by Joshua Hren Toward the end of Original Prin our protagonist Princely St. John Umbiligoda sifts through the Duty-Free shop in the Dragomans airport only to find the...
The Socialist You Should Be Reading

The Socialist You Should Be Reading

The Story of the Amulet by Edith Nesbit. Virago Modern Classics, 2017 (First published by T. Fisher Unwin, 1906) Softcover, 301 pages, $12. Reviewed by Rebekah Curtis Edith Nesbit is the ideal children’s author. Her imagination is vast, her skill for verisimilitude...