The Real, Imagined

Rewiring the Real: In Conversation with William Gaddis, Richard Powers, Mark Danielewski, and Don DeLillo by Mark C. Taylor. Columbia University Press, 2013. Hardcover, 344 pages, $26.There is a phrase in Latin—“Laudator temporis acti,” which when translated into...

A Life Told by a Critic

William Faulkner: A Life through Novels by André Bleikasten, translated by Miriam Watchorn with the collaboration of Roger Little. Indiana University Press, 2017. Hardcover, 511 pages, $50.In his Foreword to William Faulkner: A Life through Novels, Philip Weinstein...

Doing Justice to Complexity

Coleridge and the Conservative Imagination by Alan P. R. Gregory. Mercer University Press, 2003. Hardcover, 300 pages, $35.50. “From a popular philosophy and a philosophic populace, Good Sense deliver us!” So Samuel Taylor Coleridge writes in his Lay Sermons, which...

On Not Facing the Death of a Civilization

A conversation with translator Will Stone about Austrian novelist Stefan Zweig.On 23 February 1942 Stefan Zweig, the Austrian playwright, journalist, novelist, and cultural patron, committed suicide with his wife Lotte in the bedroom of a rented house in Petrópolis,...

When Time Was Measured in Decades

Viejas historias de Castilla la Vieja (Old Stories of Old Castile) is a short novel about Old Castile, the historic region and birthplace of Spanish author Miguel Delibes (1920-2010). The novel was published in 1964. Castilians revere their language, which they refer...