An Invaluable Bit of Aquinas

An Invaluable Bit of Aquinas

The Human Person: A Beginner’s Thomistic Psychology by Steven J. Jensen. The Catholic University of America Press, 2018. Paperback, 296 pages, $35. Reviewed by Casey Chalk How would our society be different if all Americans had just a little bit of Thomas Aquinas?...
Attacking the Idols of the Elites

Attacking the Idols of the Elites

The Kingdom of Speech by Tom Wolfe. Little, Brown, 2016. Hardcover, 192 pages, $26. Reviewed by Titus Techera Tom Wolfe was the last of the all-American writers. He made a career of chasing interesting stories on American freedom for half a century. No one else has...
Between Rome and ‘Jerusalem and Athens’

Between Rome and ‘Jerusalem and Athens’

Leo Strauss and His Catholic Readers edited by Geoffrey M. Vaughan. The Catholic University of America Press, 2018. Hardcover, 360 pages, $75. Reviewed by Richard M. Reinsch II Leo Strauss greatly revived the study of political philosophy in the twentieth century and...
The Importance of Being Iris

The Importance of Being Iris

Why Iris Murdoch Matters By Gary Browning. Bloomsbury Academic, 2018. Paperback, 272 pages, $27. Reviewed by Emina Melonic Philosophy and literature are often not very good bedfellows. For the most part, the novelist, or any artist, does not care about philosophy. It...
Like a Jazz Score: The Sense for Life

Like a Jazz Score: The Sense for Life

Pedro Blas González Improvisation as Metaphor Musicians often talk about there being no wrong notes, only notes that they do not intend to play. This is particularly true in jazz. At least in jazz, this serves as the impetus to structure improvisation. If we pay...