Accountancy and Authority

Accountancy and Authority

The Pale King by David Foster Wallace. Back Bay Books, 2012. Paperback, 597 pages, $18. Reviewed by Eve Tushnet At a certain point you realize that David Foster Wallace is as much a horror writer as Stephen King, and the monsters under his bed are twins: absorption...
Murray’s Lyric Lament

Murray’s Lyric Lament

The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam By Douglas Murray. Bloomsbury Continuum, 2018. Paperback, 384 pages, $20. Reviewed by Henry George Over August and September of 2015 nearly 2 million people entered Europe. Germany added 1–2 percent of its...
It Will Mean What the Words Say!

It Will Mean What the Words Say!

The Essential Works of Thomas More Ed. by Gerard B. Wegemer and Stephen W. Smith. Yale University Press, 2020. Hardcover, 1520 pages, $100. Reviewed by Kenneth Craycraft Three scenes from A Man for All Seasons, Robert Bolt’s play about the elevation and martyrdom of...
Why We’re All Playing Identity Politics

Why We’re All Playing Identity Politics

Why We’re Polarized by Ezra Klein. Simon & Schuster, 2020. Hardcover, 336 pages, $28. Reviewed by Austin Coffey Ezra Klein—the political journalist, blogger, former cable news host, co-founder of Vox, and current editor-at-large thereof—has published his first...
Varieties of the British Right

Varieties of the British Right

Neo-Tories: The Revolt of British Conservatives against Democracy and Political Modernity (1929–1939) by Bernhard Dietz. Bloomsbury Academic, 2018. Hardcover, 328 pages, $120 (Paper, $40.) Reviewed by James Baresel One could easily suspect that a book with the title...