Baseball, Out of Time?

Baseball, Out of Time?

Why Baseball Matters By Susan Jacoby. Yale University Press, 2018. Hardcover, 224 pages, $26. Reviewed by Caden McCann Baseball remains one of the most profitable sports franchises in the country, trailing just behind football and basketball. In Why Baseball Matters,...
The Loyalist Arguments

The Loyalist Arguments

God against the Revolution: The Loyalist Clergy’s Case against the American Revolution by Gregg L. Frazer. University Press of Kansas, 2018. Hardcover, 320 pages, $35. Reviewed by William Anthony Hay Historians over recent decades have put considerable effort...
Placing Chaucer

Placing Chaucer

Chaucer: A European Life by Marion Turner. Princeton University Press, 2019. Hardcover, 624 pages, $40. Reviewed by Carl Rollyson We know so little about Shakespeare’s life. The facts could be put onto no more than a page. That has not prevented biographers from...
A Life in Liberal Internationalism

A Life in Liberal Internationalism

Our Man: Richard Holbrooke and the End of the American Century by George Packer. Knopf, 2019. Hardcover, 608 pages, $30. Reviewed by Francis P. Sempa Richard Holbrooke’s life and career as a member of the American foreign policy establishment symbolized the decline...
The Revolution is Still Permanent

The Revolution is Still Permanent

Permanent Revolution: The Reformation and the Illiberal Roots of Liberalism by James Simpson. Belknap Press, 2019. Hardcover, 464 pages, $35. Reviewed by Micah Meadowcroft For those who can competently read it’s a regrettable feature of life that the interpolation of...