Children of Ash and Elm: A History of the Vikings by Neil Price. Basic Books, 2020. Hardcover, 624 pages, $35. Reviewed by Clayton Trutor When I stroll through the stacks of a college library, I often find my way over to the DL60s—History of Northern Europe: Earliest...
Heart of a Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov Translated by Mirra Ginsburg. Grove Press, 1968. Paperback, 123 page, $16. By Katya Sedgwick In June, when Black Lives Matter riots erupted in American cities, conservatives began rereading Tom Wolfe for insides on race relations. I,...
Critics of Enlightenment Rationalism edited by Gene Callahan and Kenneth B. McIntyre. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. Hardcover, 313 pages, $110. Reviewed by David Coates Surveying the French Revolution, Edmund Burke presented an apparent paradox: “The pretended rights of...
Defensa de la Hispanidad by Ramiro de Maeztu. [1934] 2017. Paperback, 191 pages, $9.60. Alberto M. Fernandez If Ramiro de Maeztu y Whitney (1875–1936) is remembered at all today, it is because of the manner of his death. Taken from his prison cell in the middle of the...
E. J. Hutchinson Probably, when one hears the phrase “the classical tradition,” the first name that comes to mind is not “Iggy Pop.” And yet Iggy Pop, like Bob Dylan, has an avid interest in Roman antiquity and its genetic connection to contemporary life. This...
The Historical Mind: Humanistic Renewal in a Post-Constitutional Age edited by Justin D. Garrison and Ryan R. Holston SUNY Press, 2020. Hardcover, 320 pages, $95. Reviewed by Luke C. Sheahan The historical mind is not without its controversy. And for good reason. It...
A Certain Idea of France: The Life of Charles de Gaulle by Julian Jackson. Allen Lane, 2018 / Penguin 2019. Paperback, 928 pages, $30. Reviewed by Owen Edwards The summary of Julian Jackson’s reading of de Gaulle is the section title of Part Four of this monumental...
Progressivism: The Strange History of a Radical Idea by Bradley C. S. Watson. University of Notre Dame Press, 2020. Hardcover, 251 pages, $45. Reviewed by John C. Chalberg Just who were the original progressives of a century ago? They reached all the way from Social...
The Inklings, the Victorians, and the Moderns: Reconciling Tradition in the Modern Age by Christopher Butynskyi. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2020. Hardcover, 206 pages, $90. Reviewed by James A. Davenport Since Buckley, it has often been said of...
Old House of Fear: A Novel by Russell Kirk, introduction by James Panero. Criterion Books, [1961] 2019. Paperback, 264 pages, $19. Reviewed by Jeremy Seaton Russell Kirk’s Old House of Fear recounts Hugh Logan’s trip from Michigan to Carnglass, a scarcely known island...