The University Bookman
Reviewing Books that Build Culture
James Burnham: The Partisan Review Years
“…it was during the Partisan Review years that Burnham honed the analytical skills and political acumen that eventually made him the West’s greatest intellectual Cold Warrior.”
The Meaning of Happiness
David Weinberger reviews How and How Not to Be Happy.
Gnosticism, American Style
Bartholomew de la Torre, O.P. reviews Give Speech a Chance.
Quo Vadis, America?
Joseph Tuttle reviews War and Peace: A Fulton Sheen Anthology.
Civil Society and the Marketplace
Gregory M. Collins reviews Black Liberation Through the Marketplace.
Underneath It All, England Is a Catholic Country
Auguste Meyrat reviews Faith of our Fathers.
The White Guard: Life Imitating Art, Yet Again
Dwight Sutherland, Jr. reflects on The White Guard.
Common Good Credentialism
Bruce P. Frohnen reviews Common Good Constitutionalism
An Infinity of Imperfections
David G. Bonagura, Jr. reviews Infinite Regress: A Novel.
The Book Gallery
A collection of conversations with Bookman editor Luke C. Sheahan and writers and authors of imagination and erudition.